Social impact video game

  • Dream it.

    I have been visualizing, forming, and shaping a video game for many years at this point. Crafting what I believe is a game that will resonate in the hearts of the players long after they play it. A game that will start some transformative conversations and quiet reflection.

  • Grow it.

    I’ve nurtured and guarded this dream closely. I’ve kept it close to my heart. It has evolved, transformed, and grown into something that is now ready to be created.

  • Build it.

    I am not a game designer. I do not write code. I don’t know how to put the details and features of my vision into a game. But I know that I can convey the specifics to a team who can do this with me together.

  • Sell it.

    I know that if I can make something visually stunning where players want to keep exploring and discovering, then I know I can convince players to want to jump into and spend time in the world of a social-impact video game blanketed with pain and trauma.