
— Chiharu Ota (JAPAN)

“I thought that this movie would be difficult for children to understand thematically. However, this movie was made entirely with a game motif, so I felt that it was easy for children to watch. I thought that this movie should be watched by people who have had painful experiences in the past. Also, the message at the end of this movie is meant not only for the welfare specialists and the people who work in the facility but also for the rest of us in society. It was a really great movie. I would like many people, including children, to see it.”

— Akane Ito (JAPAN)


— Mayu Ishizaki (JAPAN)

“I screened My Invincible Compass for my university students this week! I really had no idea what they would think-- on Monday they read one of my publications and I have given them context about my research before. They were really moved! My Ph.D. advisee, who is my TA and doesn't do anything connected to child welfare etc, texted me afterward to say "As a total outsider, I really love this film. It made me really understand the gravity (and omg difficulty) of your fieldwork despite knowing about it for years. Bravo!" The students really liked the video game interface bit, and they thought the fairy tale was a really compelling way to convey the overall messages.””

— K.G. (U.S.A.)


— Kokoha Suzuki(JAPAN)

“One aspect I enjoyed in the film is that they used a lot of drawings to explain the film and I think they did that to make it easier for the children to understand. For example, when they had the drawings of kids and they asked each child what they wanted to be when they grew up I thought that was a great touch.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)


— Mayu Yamada 

“Miller’s inspirational film regarding the childcare system associated with mental health in Japan captures its audience through vivid video game animation contrasted with a somber yet riveting live-action story. By sharing this story with the analogy of dragons, Miller's message becomes accessible to younger ages, especially when paired with exciting, colorful animations. During the film, he also makes a commentary about how ineffective the current child-care system is in helping children with their mental health. Miller's overall message was the need to pay attention to and treat mental health, especially in children, and how we can work towards a better system together.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)


— Riko M. (JAPAN)

“Reflecting on the My Invincible Compass film screening: I thought the film overall offered a unique insight into the "now what?" question once children are brought into and raised in institutional care and what happens once they leave.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)


— Moe K. (JAPAN)

“I have just watched the film. After watching the film, I just wanted to say thank you for completing the film. It was very impressive and made me cry. My parents divorced and I was adopted by my aunt's family. I was very lucky because my adopted parents loved me very much. But there are many children who are not lucky. Now I would like to do something to support these children in the future. Thank you for letting me know what is important in my life.”

— N.S. (JAPAN)


— Yumemi T. (JAPAN)

“The most impressive part of this film for me was the presentation. By using the animation and the video game graphics, the producers made the film style in line with the story's subjects. Choosing to tell the story with the visuals of a video game presented a light-hearted approach to a severe problem. The style also helped keep me interested. Documentary-style movies seem to fall into the same monotonous monotone, making them dull. The presentation style for my invincible compass kept me checked in. There was always something on-screen to keep you interested in the film's progression. The chapters of the fantasy book presented, or the hearts you received for passing a level, always maintained the movie's pace and created an artificial reward for attention.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)

トラウマを抱えている子どもたちに寄り添い支援をしていくことの大切さを実感しました。 心を閉ざした子どもたちにとって、再び希望を持って生きていくことは簡単なことではないと思いますが、子どもたちが様々な経験ができるような環境を作り、常に子どもたちに真摯に向き合っていくことが必要だと感じました。また、私たちが暮らす地域にはどのような団体があり、子どもたちのためにどのような活動をしているのか、これからもっと知っていきたいと思いました。

— Yuna M. (JAPAN)

“The film My Invincible Compass was extremely personal and thought-provoking. To gain an in-depth look into a story of an individual over his life and the highs and lows that he faced was extremely interesting, especially when relating it to the child welfare system. This sense of community was also interesting as it portrayed something purely Japanese (Nihonjinron), the idea that Japanese people take care of each other over the government welfare systems. This was seen with the notes at the end where it says that the child welfare system does not fall on the government but rather on everyone in the community. Altogether this film gave great insight into child welfare systems.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)


— M.K. (JAPAN)

“Overall the film screening was very eye-opening. It's one thing to read about an issue, but to see an individual struggle through it is something completely different and hammered home the issue for me. The child welfare system isn't something that I've heard too much about when talking about japan, usually, it's about the older population. However it would appear that children suffer just as much if not more, and as such the subject needs to be explored more. I think that the film's use of graphics and animations is simply brilliant for trying to explain anything to children let alone something like the issues it tackles.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)


— Y.K. (JAPAN)

I appreciated the focus on the actual feelings of the children going through the system rather than a bunch of graphs and numbers that could have taken away from the impact of the narrative. Overall it was very well done and I feel that it stands out among other documentary-style films that are trying to tell a similar story, and strangely enough, could be viewed by a younger audience even though the subject matter can be a bit dark.

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)


— Maho T. (JAPAN)

“The film My Invincible Compass is a beautifully executed film on the effect of the child welfare system on children, and how the children themselves learn to navigate their world. The audience gets to see how the kids interact with the world in their imaginations and in their everyday lives. It appeals to a wide audience, even if you aren't in these institutions, if you've experienced childhood trauma there is something so soothing and so comforting in knowing that these kids are also learning how to live in their world and make the most of it, despite everything they've been through.” 

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)


— Mayu K (JAPAN)

“There are a lot of things to improve, but My Invincible Compass takes what could have been researched and instead shows us the people who are living through it. Rather than numbers or 40-page papers, the film turns it into a piece of media that brings humanity back to the kids and the adults who have been through this, and tells us how they want to be seen.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)

“The movie and children's book "My Invincible Compass" is a story about children growing up without their parents. This story uses a lot of metaphors to get its points across. In "level two" of the story the children are in the woods and they build tree houses and have fun. During this level, they also discovered the bravery they had within themselves. This level reminded me of the time that I went to wilderness therapy.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)

“Most children aren't going to pay attention to their teacher let alone raw information about child welfare, something they may not have a full grasp on yet. So presenting life as stages of levels in a game is smart and certainly explains it better than how I ever was told. So overall I think trying to teach anyone about this subject is difficult, let alone children. So trying to format this subject in a manner this is consumable to children is quite impressive.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)

"My Invincible Compass" does a remarkable job of discussing the lives and troubles faced by children in institutional care through a video game format. This film posed the question of what children in institutional care in Japan go through at various stages of life and under different circumstances. The heavy symbolism in this video game analogy is very effective at painting a broad picture of the lives of those who grow up in this system. It is for this reason that I would say that the film accomplishes what it sets out to do; shining a light on these children’s lives.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)

“The passion behind this project and the motivation for giving these kids exposure is so immense you can feel it through every second of the documentary. I enjoyed how the documentary sort of developed from telling Tomoya’s own story to then connecting it to the stories of the children and how they all face similar problems.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)

“The most compelling part of the documentary I feel is the journey that Tomoya goes through while he is in institutional care. The documentary does a great job at portraying the traumas he has from this process and how many children are going through the same thing. Showing these struggles does an amazing job of spreading awareness and showing that these children desperately need the support and love.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)

“I think all of the metaphors they use are very child friendly and help kids relate to these topics by using video games and toys as representations of real life. They are taught to slay these dragons and monsters before they grow up so that they can live a happy life. The film's goal is to empower children and support them throughout their childhood and help them prepare for their future. The specific way we can support these children is by spreading awareness through this movie It was a really beautiful movie.”

— Anonymous (U.S.A.)