Social impact video game

  • Dream it.

    I have long felt the distinct tug on my heart to craft and build a video game capable of successfully piercing through the hesitations and reservations around playing game that tackles childhood trauma and the alternative care system.

    The dream has always been to create an exciting game that finds its players replaying the journey, pondering the real life possibilities and consequences, and engaging in subreddits and discord chats around the impact this game had on them.

    The gaming community now has 3.09 billion active gamers worldwide and growing. A powerful, passionate, and very engaged community that has the collective power to come together and help usher in real change to support children living with trauma around the world through gameplay.

    I believe there is room for an exciting social impact adventure game that can have a real world impact.

  • Grow it.

    I’ve nurtured and guarded this dream closely. It has evolved, transformed, and grown into something that is now ready to be shared with the world.

  • Build it.

    I love video games but a I am not a gamer. I am not a game designer. I do not write code. And I don’t need to know any of that.

    I have the vision, the story, and how it comes together and that is what is required for my part.

    Creating a video game, like creating a documentary, and a book, is a whole team effort. I know who to tap and bring on to the My Invincible Compass game team to build the game. l

  • Distribute it.

    This is the exciting part. We will share all the details once we are ready to release the game.